Are you passionate about mind mapping? The year 2024 is approaching, and we want to know your opinion on the current usage trends. Participate in our survey and make your voice heard! This is the perfect opportunity to share your experiences and needs while discovering how you compare to your peers in the field of mind mapping. Your contribution can truly make a difference, not only for you but also for an entire community of creators and planners.
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The 2024 mind mapping trends survey aims to gather insights on the use of this tool and the benefits it provides. After being conducted for the last time in 2021, this survey has been shortened to facilitate participation, integrating new questions about the impact of mind mapping. Participants will have the opportunity to compare their practices with those of their peers, influence future developments of mapping tools, and support their community. As a bonus, their email address will be entered into a draw to win free resources related to mind mapping.

The mind map is establishing itself as an essential tool for those looking to organize their ideas effectively. For 2024, a survey has been set up to better understand how users integrate this method into their daily lives. This is a great opportunity for you to share your experiences and influence the evolution of this tool. This feedback is essential to inspire improvements that meet your expectations.
Why participate in this survey?
Participating in this survey will allow you to compare your use of mind mapping with that of your peers. You will thus gain an insight into the best practices adopted by other users, which could provide you with new ideas and techniques to boost your creativity. Moreover, there is nothing like realizing the added value that this tool can bring to your professional and personal daily life.
What are the innovations for 2024?
The 2024 survey presents several innovations, notably questions focused on the impact of artificial intelligence in the field of mind mapping. By sharing your opinion, you will help shape the understanding and use of mind maps in the digital age. Your contribution is therefore of crucial importance and could significantly influence the future directions of this tool.
Comment mieux appréhender la notion complexe de "carte mentale" et la question de la transcription mémorielle ? Le projet #ANR CORES lance un appel à contributions pour le colloque "TRANSCRIPT","Cartes mentales" du 27 au 28 mai 2021. #MindMap #CognitiveMap
— ANR (@AgenceRecherche) December 8, 2020