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How companies can assess the health status of their employees using Aarogya Setu

découvrez comment les entreprises peuvent utiliser l'application aarogya setu pour évaluer l'état de santé de leurs employés. apprenez les meilleures pratiques pour assurer le bien-être de votre personnel tout en respectant les mesures de prévention. informez-vous sur les outils et les méthodes d'évaluation efficaces pour garantir un environnement de travail sain.

As health at work becomes increasingly prominent in human resource management, Aarogya Setu emerges as an innovative tool for businesses. Thanks to this tracing application established by the Indian government, employers can now effectively measure the health status of their employees. By integrating this tool, organizations have the opportunity to obtain precise data on the risk of exposure to COVID-19, thereby promoting a safer and more responsible work environment. This digital revolution offers essential insight to ensure the well-being of team members while adhering to rigorous health protocols.

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Companies can assess the health status of their employees using Aarogya Setu, a contact tracing application, by utilizing its open API. By integrating this API, they can automatically obtain the health status of employees by checking their proximity to infected individuals. When an employee enters the office, they show their app, which indicates a green status (healthy) or red status (risky). The human resources departments can create lists of employees’ phone numbers and use scripts to automate the retrieval of their health status. In this way, companies can quickly identify employees at moderate or high risk to take appropriate measures.

discover how companies can use the aarogya setu platform to assess the health status of their employees. learn effective methods to monitor workplace health, promote a healthy environment, and ensure the well-being of your team.

Currently, assessing the health of an employee has become a crucial necessity for many companies. With the expansion of the Aarogya Setu application, which has been adopted by millions of users, it is possible to integrate this technology into human resource management processes. By using the built-in contact tracing system in Aarogya Setu, organizations can monitor in real-time the health condition of their employees and make data-driven decisions. This not only protects the health of workers but also maintains a safe work environment.

the key features of Aarogya Setu for health monitoring

Aarogya Setu offers a multitude of features that allow monitoring the health status of employees. At each entry into the office, employees are required to present their status on the application. If they display a green status, it means they are healthy and have not been exposed to contaminated individuals. By integrating the Aarogya Setu API, companies can automate this process, optimizing the management of health risks. Thus, HR departments can easily obtain reports on the overall health status of their employees using tools like Google Sheets to analyze the data.

integration of health monitoring tools in the company

To make the most of the data provided by Aarogya Setu, it is essential to train teams in the use of these tools. By using Google scripts, departments can easily process the collected information and create health analysis reports for employees. Furthermore, companies can develop effective communication strategies to raise employee awareness about the importance of sharing their health data. This fosters a climate of trust and individual accountability. With continuous assessment and improvement of workplace health practices, companies ensure that their team remains both productive and healthy.

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