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Chat faster with AI chatbots directly from the Chrome address bar

découvrez comment interagir rapidement avec des chatbots ia directement via la barre d'adresse de chrome. optimisez vos conversations et accélérez vos réponses grâce à cette fonctionnalité innovante qui facilite l'accès à l'information.

The use of AI chatbots for interacting and getting answers has never been more accessible. Thanks to a clever feature in Google Chrome, you can now chat with your favorite digital assistants directly from the address bar. In a flash, just type a custom shortcut followed by your question to instantly access a multitude of relevant answers. This method simplifies and energizes your searches while making navigation intuitive and fast.

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discover how to quickly interact with AI chatbots directly from the Chrome address bar. enhance your browsing experience with instant answers and intelligent assistance in just a few clicks.

Chat faster with AI chatbots from the Chrome address bar

With the advent of AI chatbots, communicating and obtaining information has never been simpler. One of the most convenient features of Google Chrome is the ability to chat directly with your favorite chatbots via the address bar. By customizing your shortcuts, you can instantly start a conversation without having to open multiple tabs or navigate through various sites. Imagine being able to ask Claude about a recipe simply by typing


followed by your question, and there you go, your request is processed in a blink of an eye!

How to set up AI shortcuts in Chrome

To take advantage of this feature, simply navigate to


and set up your custom shortcuts. Add names like


to access Perplexity AI or


to chat with Google Gemini. This allows you to ask your questions directly from the address bar without tedious searching, making your online experience much smoother. By creating these shortcuts, you not only simplify your searches but also optimize your browsing time.

Alternatives for instant access

In addition to integrating chatbots via Chrome, tools like Raycast make access to AI just as effective. For Mac users, Raycast allows you to create quick links from the same interface by simply swapping out certain settings to tailor the AI shortcuts. This ensures that you can switch from one conversation to another without interruption. Whether you want to chat with ChatGPT or explore the capabilities of Mistral AI, these shortcuts enhance your digital experience.

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